
Dynasty TCG Roadmap
"All journeys start somewhere"
the ultimate goal of Dynasty TCG is to create the best battlefield simulation trading card game that takes into account the playability factor.
to share the magical experience of playing a game and immersing yourself in a different world, to get there we follow a macro, meso, and micro developmental pathway.
Dynasty TCG Genesis
2021- Back end
Phase 1
Create the concept of dynasty tcg
Have rough prototypes to visualise the concept
Work on the key mechanics that will drive the game engine
Phase 1
Create the concept of dynasty tcg
Have rough prototypes to visualise the concept
Work on the key mechanics that will drive the game engine
Move from traditional artwork to digital
Go from print and play to properly manufactured samples
Complete the first Kickstarter to move onto phase 2
Deliver Kickstarter within 3 months
2022- First half of year
2022- Second half of year
Phase 2
Work on new artwork to provide a more professional look
Print out new phase cards
Print demo kits to allow people to play the fundamental game to understand the concept
Develop all the artwork needed for the second Kickstarter
Develop playmats, booster packs, and starter decks to showcase a sample of the game's potential
Phase 2
Release the comeback Kickstarter "Operation Rising Phoenix"
successfully complete the Kickstarter campaign
delivered within 3 months of completion
Move onto phase 3
Phase 3
Work on artwork for phase 3
Develop better products and develop the game further
2023- First half of year
2023- Second half of year
Phase 3
Launch the limited print sample Kickstarter to help move development.